Appointment of Liquidators

Name of Company: A1 SPACES LTD

Company Number: 07846703

Company Type: Registered Company

Nature of the business: Manufacture of other furniture, Other building and industrial cleaning activities

Type of Liquidation: Creditors’ Voluntary

Registered office: Unit 11c 100 Villiers Road, London NW2 5PJ

Principal trading address: Unit 11c 100 Villiers Road, London NW2 5PJ

Office Holder/s: Richard Hunt, of SFP Restructuring Limited and, Warehouse W, 3 Western Gateway, London E16 1BD, Telephone: 02075382222, Email address: richardh@sfpgroup.com

Office Holder Number/s: 21772

Date of appointment: 10 February 2025

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

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